Ysgol Llanfyllin
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

4 - 19
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Middle (ages 4-19)

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How School Guide Rates Secondary Schools

For secondary schools in Wales, schools are rated on key performance indicators for pupils up to the age of 16 (GCSE only) due to the fact the government did not publish A level data for the last academic year.
Llanfyllin High School
Llanfyllin School
SY22 5BJ
01691 648391

School Description

Since its formation in 2020, leaders have succeeded in establishing a close knit community and developed an ethos of ‘Teulu’ Ysgol Llanfyllin, based on being one school. Staff work well together to understand the well-being needs of pupils and in particular, cater suitably for those who are most vulnerable. Most pupils feel well supported and safe as a result of this approach. Teachers and support staff foster positive working relationships with pupils. In a few cases, where teaching is strongest, teachers ensure an appropriate pace to learning and have high expectations. The majority of teachers plan suitably to meet pupils’ needs, give clear explanations and check for progress regularly. In a minority of cases, where teaching is not as strong, teachers do not have high enough expectations or provide suitable challenge. In general, most pupils of primary age make suitable progress in developing their skills and understanding. A majority of secondary aged pupils make appropriate progress. However, in a minority of cases, shortcomings in teaching, particularly in the cyfnod uwchradd, lead to pupils becoming disengaged in their learning and making less progress than they should. Most pupils in the sixth form make sound progress and display extremely positive attitudes towards their learning. The school offers an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum and generally caters well for individual needs. It has worked constructively on its vision for Curriculum for Wales known as the ‘Tyfu’ curriculum. This has been shared widely and is well understood by most staff. Recently, the school has strengthened its approach to coordinate the provision for the progressive development of pupils’ skills. Currently, this is not embedded well enough across the school. The headteacher provides assured and careful leadership underpinned by a strong moral purpose. Alongside the senior leadership team, they continue to develop the culture of an all-age school. Leaders have successfully created a strong safeguarding culture across the school and ensured that pupils generally feel safe and supported. However, leadership has not had enough impact on the quality of teaching, particularly in the cyfnod uwchradd. Although leaders have a sound understanding of the main strengths and areas to improve in the school’s provision, they do not focus precisely enough on the impact of provision on pupils’ learning and behaviour in order to evaluate its impact.

Ysgol Llanfyllin Parent Reviews

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Ysgol Llanfyllin Catchment Area Map

Official pupil census data is not available for this school and we are unable to offer a heat map or likelihood of admission tool at this time.