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School Guide was built for parents to have a one-stop-shop for school information so they can make an easy, informed and calm decision.
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“It’s been so helpful - thank you! I feel this service really helped me cut through all the information around schools.”
– Paul Standing, 45, Colchester
“I went from overwhelmed to confident in less than 24 hours
after signing up to School Guide.”
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“The reviews are like TripAdvisor ones: real parents talking about real schools. It’s like being at the school gates and get the lowdown from another mum.”
– Samantha Bolton, 40, Plymouth
“I love the way School Guide has done all the homework for me on my local schools. It’s quick and easy to use. I would have happily paid double or triple to access all their clear information.”
– Sam Brookes, 38, Carlisle
“It feels like you need some sort of degree to decipher school data. School Guide only the key data points that are most useful for parents.. It’s the easiest website to use and the colour coded design makes
it quick to make a school decision.”
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“School Guide looks and feels like it was built for parents - and it really works. I used the site to do all my research for my son’s secondary and it saved me hours of looking on different website.”
– Katie Manaton, 46, Newport
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"I wish I'd had a site like School Guide when I was first looking for schools for my children. All the exam data, catchment information and parent reviews are in one place to help you submit a successful school application.”
Victoria, Founder of School Guide
Thinking ahead to the next stage in your child’s education? Or moving home but want to know the best schools beforehand?
It’s hard to know where to start when looking for the best school for your child. It’s a very important decision and schools differ in so many ways. This is why School Guide was created and now trusted by 15,000+ parents every day.
We all want to set our children up with the best opportunities in life and what better way than choosing a school that is best suited to your child’s individual needs so they grow and develop in their own way?
Whether your child is going to primary or secondary school, it can be so overwhelming to choose a school - one you’re happy with and one your child is happy with. Most of us have some indication of which schools could be in the running but we want to gain expert advice and guidance on how the schools really perform - on a data and human level (i.e. parents in the playground!). And, importantly, for state schools, whether their home postcode puts them in the catchment area.
School Guide is the only site in the UK that provides stats from 34,000 different schools all using official sources and candid reviews by parents who actually have children going to a particular school.
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