Explore tutors work with children in a very low ratio (the maximum ratio is 1:6), ensuring the right balance between individual support and independent learning. As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach
The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn. Children are made to feel a part of Explore and always look forward to visiting. They are attending a club, not a classroom
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities
We are a group of passionate, professional tutors who are committed to helping children, from school year 2 through to GCSE level, to achieve their full learning potential. We provide subject specialist tuition in Maths, English and Science in small groups across North Wales, Cheshire and the Wirral.
Our aim is to help all children achieve their potential by delivering more than subject skills but helping to develop transferable study skills, improving confidence and motivation. The benefits of our programme are far reaching - our approach develops independent learners who have the confidence to discuss and test out their ideas, to problem solve and to apply their skills in all aspect of their academic studies.
We all want our children to do well and finding the right tutor is one of the very best ways to help them do this. The question is: how do you choose?
How can you be sure that tutors are qualified, safety referenced, are any good at tutoring or have the right approach and teaching style for your child?
Every day, after school or at the weekend, thousands of children across the UK begin their Explore experience in a similar way. They are greeted by enthusiastic Explore tutors, who engage children and get them motivated even before they walk through the door.
As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Speaking to parents, and students, I know that what they really want from a private tutor is a tutor who is not only knowledgeable about their subject and the requirements for tests and exams but also someone who is able to relate and communicate with students’ and who cares about the students’ education as much as the parents do.
The process of getting to know your child starts from the very first time we meet you at your free trial session. This is an opportunity for us to discuss your child's requirements in depth, and for you to see the tuition centre in action.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities
Every day, after school or at the weekend, thousands of children across the UK begin their Explore experience in a similar way. They are greeted by enthusiastic Explore tutors, who engage children and get them motivated even before they walk through the door.
At Explore, we believe that children learn best when they want to learn. Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy.