Uplands Junior L.E.A.D Academy
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

7 - 11
Academy sponsor led

Tutors with this logo are part of The Tutors Association and meet the highest industry standards

    Tutors near LE2 0DR

    • Leicester
    • @ leicesternospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Sainsbury's
      Fosse Park
      LE19 1WT
    • 0116 282 6800
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - Leicester Fosse Park

    English Maths

    All members follow individualised learning programmes in maths, spellings, reading and writing. They work on a variety of activities in each area, with a tutor on hand to ensure that they are being stretched and challenged at a level and pace right for them.

    At Explore, we believe that children learn best when they want to learn. Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.

    • Leicester, Birmingham, Eastbourne, Coventry, Wolverhampton
    • @ hellonospamblocker@genietutors.co.uk
    • Regency Park Community Centre Wartling Road

    • 01323 700777
    • Call to discuss your child's needs

    Contact tutor

    Genie Tutors

    SATs 11+

    Parents looking for good tuition should look for a tutor who is able to get children to share ideas, work independently and compete. They should have high expectations of the children they teach, reward success and help children to understand difficult concepts with a range of examples.

    Tutors should use a range of materials so that children can listen, see and do.

    • Leicester
    • @ highcrossnospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Highcross Shopping centre
      Unit R9A
      Shires Lane
      LE1 4AN
    • 0116 216 0667
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - Leicester Highcross

    English Maths

    At Explore Learning, our tutors will get to know your child as an individual. Whether they are finding school tricky or top of the class, we will create a learning plan designed to help them to gain confidence, enthusiasm and new skills.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.