With over 15 years of tutoring experience, Tutor Doctor has helped over 200,000 students of all ages and learning levels. Since our founding, our process has seen great success!
Take a look at the Tutor Doctor Process:
Assess: First, your student will take part in a free consultation that assesses his or her needs. Based on this assessment, we create a customised programme to meet the student’s goals.
Match: Then, we match your student with a highly-qualified tutor by academic needs and even personality preference! This ensures your student is comfortable and ready to learn.
Tutor: We fill in the gaps in your student’s knowledge. We help with homework and design a curriculum that meets your child’s needs in order to boost their classroom confidence.
Support: We provide weekly session reports on your child’s progress and keep your family in the loop throughout the entire process.
Due to our process and approach, we have maintained a 95% satisfaction rate with our clients.
Parents looking for good tuition should look for a tutor who is able to get children to share ideas, work independently and compete. They should have high expectations of the children they teach, reward success and help children to understand difficult concepts with a range of examples.
Tutors should use a range of materials so that children can listen, see and do.
Learning with Explore, children gain a newfound confidence in mastering skills, learning new ones, and in the excitement they receive from working with inspiring role models. Thousands of children attend Explore, gaining confidence, enthusiasm, independence, knowledge and new skills as a result
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
We use the best available teaching tools. They are interactive, engaging and map to the National Curriculum and Curriculum for Excellence. As a child's mastery of each lesson develops, the work adapts to an increasingly advanced level, thereby providing each member with a highly individualised experience.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy. The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn.
We specialise in Maths and English tuition that is tailored to your child's individual needs. We also offer expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors, all in a vibrant environment that children enjoy.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Explore tutors work with children in a very low ratio (the maximum ratio is 1:6), ensuring the right balance between individual support and independent learning. As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach.
Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy. The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn.