Ysgol Bro Caereinion
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

4 - 19
Not Available
Middle (ages 4-19)

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How School Guide Rates Secondary Schools

For secondary schools in Wales, schools are rated on key performance indicators for pupils up to the age of 16 (GCSE only) due to the fact the government did not publish A level data for the last academic year.
Llanfair Caereinion
SY21 0HW

School Description

Ysgol Bro Caereinion is a welcoming school community where pupils are treated with respect. Nearly all pupils behave very well in lessons and around the school buildings. They engage positively in their learning. Across the school, most staff have positive working relationships with pupils. In the primary phase, the quality of teaching is good nearly all of the time. Staff provide interesting activities that develop pupils’ curiosity as independent learners well. Many teachers in the secondary phase share their subject knowledge effectively, and a few engage pupils with notable enthusiasm and energy. As a result, across the school, many pupils, including those with additional learning needs (ALN) and those eligible for free school meals, make at least secure progress. In the primary phase, pupils develop a wide range of skills and make consistent progress. As a result, most pupils apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills successfully in their work across of the curriculum by the end of Year 6. In the secondary phase, pupils receive suitable opportunities to apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills in lessons. However, such opportunities are not delivered strategically enough for pupils to develop their skills progressively over time. Leaders work enthusiastically to establish working practices to enable a new all-age school to succeed. They maintain positive working relationships that ensure an ethos of teamwork. Overall, leaders focus too much on operational matters. As a result, their vision for the school and its strategic direction is underdeveloped. In addition, processes for evaluating the provision and planning for improvements do not always focus sufficiently on the impact on pupils. Despite these weaknesses in strategic leadership, the quality of teaching and provision, especially in the primary phase, is generally effective. Since opening, the school has established a range of appropriate procedures for keeping learners safe. However, a few matters relating to safeguarding came to the attention of the inspection team. These have been discussed with leaders and a representative of the local authority.

Ysgol Bro Caereinion Parent Reviews

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  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
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Ysgol Bro Caereinion Catchment Area Map

Official pupil census data is not available for this school and we are unable to offer a heat map or likelihood of admission tool at this time.