Wilson Stuart School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

Primary & Secondary
Post 16
Special school
2 - 19
Academy special converter

How Does The School Perform?

Ofsted Inspection
Full Report - All Reports

Special schools provide a unique and distinctive educational environment to meet the needs of the pupils in their community. Undertaking standard tests may not be appropriate and we do not show performance data for special schools.

View exam results via the link below and contact the school to ask about measuring pupil progress.

A Parent's Guide to Choosing a Special School


Happiness Rating

Ofsted Parent View

Pupil/Teacher ratio
Persistent Absence
Pupils first language
not English
Free school meals
Pupils with SEN support
Perry Common Road
B23 7AT
0121 373 4475

Wilson Stuart School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating

“A parent's first view”

I have just looked at this school for my daughter to join in 6th form and we are both impressed. My daughter is at a special school which is also great but Wilson Stewart could give her a better opportunity to become at least semi independent. The member of staff I have met made us feel welcome and my daughter has made the decision to apply for this school. I am positive that this is the right decision for her and look forward to her joining next year where I hope she will be happy for the next 3 years.
84% Parents Recommend This School
Strongly Agree 76% Agree 24% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>76, "agree"=>24, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 76% Agree 24% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>76, "agree"=>24, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 56% Agree 32% Disagree 12% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>56, "agree"=>32, "disagree"=>12, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 68% Agree 28% Disagree 4% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>68, "agree"=>28, "disagree"=>4, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 64% Agree 20% Disagree 8% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 8% {"strongly_agree"=>64, "agree"=>20, "disagree"=>8, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>8} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 48% Agree 32% Disagree 8% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 12% {"strongly_agree"=>48, "agree"=>32, "disagree"=>8, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>12} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 60% Agree 24% Disagree 8% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 8% {"strongly_agree"=>60, "agree"=>24, "disagree"=>8, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>8} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 28% Agree 16% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 56% {"strongly_agree"=>28, "agree"=>16, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>56} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 64% Agree 16% Disagree 8% Strongly Disagree 12% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>64, "agree"=>16, "disagree"=>8, "strongly_disagree"=>12, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 52% Agree 28% Disagree 12% Strongly Disagree 8% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>52, "agree"=>28, "disagree"=>12, "strongly_disagree"=>8, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Strongly Agree 64% Agree 12% Disagree 20% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 4% {"strongly_agree"=>64, "agree"=>12, "disagree"=>20, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>4} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019
Yes 84% No 16% {"yes"=>84, "no"=>16} Figures based on 25 responses up to 27-03-2019

Responses taken from Ofsted Parent View

Your rating:
Review guidelines
  • Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’
  • Do back up your opinion with examples or clear reasons but, remember, it’s your opinion not fact.
  • Don’t use bad or aggressive language.
  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
Read the full review guidelines and where to find help if you have serious concerns about a school.
We respect your privacy and never share your email address with the reviewed school or any third parties. Please see our T&Cs and Privacy Policy for details of how we treat registered emails with TLC.

News, Photos and Open Days from Wilson Stuart School

Last update: 02 May 2019

Wilson Stuart is located in Perry Common, Erdington in the north of Birmingham. It caters for 240 pupils aged 2-25 years. Some pupils have additional difficulties including sensory impairment, learning difficulties, communication difficulties or complex medical conditions. We have outstanding purpose built facilities and highly trained, enthusiastic and committed staff. This combination enables us to provide the specialised individual programmes required by our pupils.

Our nursery accommodates up to 12 children. We have separate Primary and Secondary Departments. Our sixth form programme supported by Aston Villa Football Club. Students complete work placements and in September 2013 saw us launch our vocational programme (L.I.V.E. - Lifelong, Inclusive,Vocational Education) for students aged 19-25, which has been developed in partnership with University College Birmingham. The aim: To get more young disabled people the skills to get into work

Our last 5 OFSTED inspections have all resulted in an ’Outstanding’ report the latest taking place in February 2015. We are very proud of our achievements and strive daily to maintain our excellent standards. ”

The leadership and management of the school are outstanding at all levels. The work with parents and numerous community partners is first class.” - Ofsted February 2015

Wilson Stuart School Catchment Area Map

This school is an academy and does not conform to the general school admission criteria set down by the Local Education Authority.