The London Acorn School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

3 - 11
Other independent school
Not Rated

How Does The School Perform?

Ofsted report
Full Report - All Reports

Independent preparatory schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum or submit test results to the Department for Education so there is no individual school performance data or star rating.

Visit the school's website to learn more about their unique curriculum, policies on testing and common leaver destinations (a good indicator of pupil progress). See our About page for information on Choosing A Prep School.

Boarding Type
Pupils with SEN support
Morden Cottage
Morden Hall Park
Morden Hall Road
0208 544 9769

School Description

The proprietors have established a school in which staff have high expectations for pupils and deliver an imaginative and unique curriculum. Leaders and staff at all levels care deeply about the school and its pupils. They nurture pupils’ academic learning and individuality so that they achieve well. Pupils are taught how to observe, enjoy and appreciate the natural world through learning in the open spaces and woodland areas of the surrounding park. Pupils develop independence and teamwork. They grow into confident young people who are well prepared for secondary school. Pupils are safe and feel safe. They behave well and enjoy learning together. They play their part in making a kind and friendly school community. New pupils feel welcomed and make friends easily. There is almost no bullying but pupils said that if it does happen, adults deal with it well and quickly. There is a strong culture of respect and tolerance for others.

The London Acorn School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating

“Secure academic journey with LOVE”

Both my children have been at TLAS from their very early years - they are now aged 5 and 7. As a gay family we really value the inclusive, progressive, welcoming atmosphere. The school is founded on LOVE :-) As educators ourselves we also highly value the Steiner based but innovative and progressive pedagogic model. It is evidenced based and proving to be very effective at delivering really high, unhurried, academic achievements for both our girls - No hot housing for our children thank you! just wholistic, child centred, loving, personalised and very secure learning journeys! A gem of a school that our family would highly recommend.
“A school I'm sure my kids will look fondly back on”

The school delivers on its promise to provide a purposeful, meaningful education that will nourish the children's creativity and install a lifelong love of learning. Key to this is that the school is a stimulating yet emotionally supportive space and offers a fantastic range of learning both indoors and in nature. In addition to the usual academic subjects (maths, english, music, language etc.) they do fantastic activities like woodland crafts, handwork (textiles) and woodwork which the kids love
“Great small friendly school”

Brilliant – a lovely, small and friendly school. The teaching is great and my children are very happy. They have made great progress at their work too. It sounds alternative as the children only start lessons aged 6.5 and are playing in Kindergarten before this. Actually this isn't so unusual in other countries and the curriculum is carefully planned so pupils are at a similar level to state school peers by the age of 11. It works well – the evidence is how well my children are doing and OFSTED were very impressed too. There is a long established sister school in Gloucestershire. The children are so happy and spend time outside playing every day, doing brilliant art and music lessons and sports like sailing. Why isn't every school like this one?
“Wonderful school”

Wonderful school. I have 2 children there. It is so friendly and the children want to go every day. They are making really good academic progress. The music, art and nature studies are great here too. There is nothing we don't like.
100% Parents Recommend This School
Strongly Agree 96% Agree 4% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>96, "agree"=>4, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 100% Agree 0% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>100, "agree"=>0, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 88% Agree 8% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 4% {"strongly_agree"=>88, "agree"=>8, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>4} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
My Child Has Not Been Bullied 88% Strongly Agree 4% Agree 0% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 4% Don't Know 4% {"my_child_has_not_been_bullied"=>88, "strongly_agree"=>4, "agree"=>0, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>4, "dont_know"=>4} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 84% Agree 16% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>84, "agree"=>16, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
I Have Not Raised Any Concerns 28% Strongly Agree 48% Agree 20% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 4% {"i_have_not_raised_any_concerns"=>28, "strongly_agree"=>48, "agree"=>20, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>4} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 50% Agree 50% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>50, "agree"=>50, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 10 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 64% Agree 24% Disagree 4% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 8% {"strongly_agree"=>64, "agree"=>24, "disagree"=>4, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>8} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 88% Agree 8% Disagree 4% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>88, "agree"=>8, "disagree"=>4, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 92% Agree 8% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>92, "agree"=>8, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 68% Agree 32% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>68, "agree"=>32, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 92% Agree 8% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>92, "agree"=>8, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Strongly Agree 92% Agree 4% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 4% {"strongly_agree"=>92, "agree"=>4, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>4} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023
Yes 100% No 0% {"yes"=>100, "no"=>0} Figures based on 25 responses up to 25-01-2023

Responses taken from Ofsted Parent View

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Review guidelines
  • Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’
  • Do back up your opinion with examples or clear reasons but, remember, it’s your opinion not fact.
  • Don’t use bad or aggressive language.
  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
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The London Acorn School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.