The Laurels School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

Primary & Secondary
Post 16
4 - 18
Girls only
Other independent school

How Does The School Perform?

Independent Inspection
Full Report - All Reports
5+ GCSEs grade 9-4 (standard pass or above) including English and maths

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Top Grades Compared With Other Schools

59% Independent Average The Laurels School UNLOCK GCSE
43% Independent Average The Laurels School UNLOCK A level

Top grades at GCSE (7-9) and top grades at A level (A*/A)

School Results Over Time

2019 2022 2023 2020 Covid-19 2021 Covid-19 UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved 5+ GCSEs grade 9-4
2019 2022 2023 2020 Covid-19 2021 Covid-19 UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved GCSE grade 5 or above in both English and maths
Our Lady's Close
Hermitage Road
SE19 3FA
+44 (0)20 8674 7229

School Description

The Laurels School is an independent day school for girls. It is located in the Clapham area of the London Borough of Lambeth. The school’s ethos is founded on Catholic principles; its founding parents take inspiration from the teachings of St Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei. The school welcomes pupils of all faiths. The school was registered in November 2013 to provide full-time secondary education for up to 40 girls aged from 11 to 14 years. At the time, it was partially housed in temporary accommodation pending completion of the refurbishment of the current premises. This is the school’s first inspection. There are currently 29 students on roll, all of whom are aged between 11 and 14 years, and are taught in three classes. None of them has a statement of special educational needs. A very small minority of students have specific learning difficulties such as dyspraxia. Students come from diverse cultural heritages and three are at advanced stages of learning English as an additional language. The Laurels is one of four schools in London which are founded and owned by the PACT Educational Trust. The proprietors opened The Cedars, a boys’ secondary school located in Croydon, in September 2013. The Laurels and The Cedars work in close partnerships with each other. The Board of Directors (Trustees) of PACT Educational Trust is the governing body of the school. The overall operational management is overseen by a Chief Executive Officer who chairs the executive committee. The school is currently led by a headteacher and a deputy headteacher, both of whom teach part time. There are currently no middle leaders. The school does not use any alternative provision. The school aims to ‘develop the whole child, in close partnership with parents, through a deeply embedded character programme grounded in Catholic principles, which will enable each girl to fulfil her potential through acquiring virtues in a climate that balances freedom with responsibility’.

The Laurels School Parent Reviews

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The Laurels School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.