The King's School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

Primary & Secondary
5 - 16
Other independent school
Not Rated

How Does The School Perform?

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Full Report - All Reports
5+ GCSEs grade 9-4 (standard pass or above) including English and maths

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Top Grades Compared With Other Schools

59% Independent Average The King's School UNLOCK GCSE

Top grades at GCSE (7-9) and top grades at A level (A*/A)

School Results Over Time

2019 2022 2023 2024 2020 2021 COVID UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved 5+ GCSEs grade 9-4
2019 2022 2023 2024 2020 2021 COVID UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved GCSE grade 5 or above in both English and maths
Lakesmere House
Allington Lane
Fair Oak
SO50 7DB
023 8060 0986

School Description

The King’s school is a non-selective, independent, coeducational day school situated in Fair Oak, Hampshire. The school is owned by Hampshire Christian Education Trust. It was founded in 1980 and moved to its current location in 2010. The school is registered for pupils aged from four to 16 years. There are currently 231 pupils on roll, aged from four to 16 years, most of whom live locally. There are five children in the Reception class and 10 children in Year 1 who are taught together. There are four pupils with a statement of special educational needs. When pupils leave at 16, the majority transfer to local sixth form colleges. The school aims to enable pupils to develop a strong relationship with God and to equip them with the knowledge, skills, personal qualities and qualifications to achieve success at school and beyond. The school was last inspected in March 2011.

The King's School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating


“Enriching Environment. 100% Recommended.”

"> The King's School is a fabulous environment for its pupils. Each child is welcomed and treated as an individual, encouraged and nurtured. Class sizes are small so the teachers can really get to know each child's strengths and weaknesses and thus inspire them accordingly. Aside from the strong learning curriculum, important life values and how to relate to others in a caring respectful way are modelled, taught and encouraged so pupils become strong, mature, thoughtful and independent characters. The King's School gives your child a chance to thrive. I highly recommend it.
“A life changing enviroment”

"> The King's School is a wonderful school. The teachers, parents and children make an environment which has been caring and nurturing to my son. I have seen him blossom and grow in ways I only dreamed about. It provides a fabulous range of activities, topics, projects and trips, as well as a solid and sound foundation of education. I could not recommend it more highly. Our intention is for our son to complete his school days there and we are looking forward to the adventure of senior school in another year.
“Amazing, loving, caring, brilliant school”

"> King's School is a brilliant and caring school. My daughter suffers from mental health problems and could not cope in a state school so myself and my husband sent her to King's and were amazed by the results. The staff are always happy to talk and we love the smaller classes and school size. You will not be disappointed with this school and we highly recommend it!
“An excellent school.”

"> This is an excellent school and I am extremely glad my daughter attends King's. With smaller classes, the children get great attention from the staff and there is a wonderful caring and nurturing environment that helps ensure the children will leave this school as caring and understanding young people.
“Delighted with our choice”

"> My wife and I love this school. Between us, we have had three children go right through the school and two have gone on to top universities, while the third is at Peter Symonds College, studying for A levels. We also have two other children currently at the school. Our children have achieved great results, and all loved (or love) their time at King's. The Sixth Form Colleges locally really like the students from King's as they say they are mature, grounded and balanced, making excellent A Level candidates. The strong Christian faith ethos to the school has been profoundly and positively significant for all our children.
“A Christian school”

"> A school that cares greatly for its pupils and staff. Kings provides a Christian education, small class sizes, dedicated staff, a strong curriculum, recently modernised facilities and Governors who have a vision for the school that surpasses shorter term secular indicators of success.
“Excellent school”

"> This is our first year at King's and the school has far exceeded our expectations. Students (and families) benefit tremendously from talented staff that are engaging, nurturing and supportive, both in and outside the classroom. Simply an excellent school that values all the right things - children, academics, personal growth, character and relationships.
“Highly recommended!”

"> This is an excellent school. If academic results are just what you want for your child and you do not mind paying school fees, there are other worthy competitors around in Southampton that ask a lot more for fees. But if your approach to your child's development is holistic, then this school, I think, is without comparison. King's offers small classes and a caring and nurturing ethos. Three of my children have been through this school and they benefited greatly from it. I have one child in this school currently and have seen the difference this school has made compared to where she went before. You need to see it for yourself as I am only expressing from my own experiences. I fully recommend this school.
“Great school”

"> This is, without a doubt, a great school. Small class sizes, great teachers, excellent exam results, lovely grounds and they turn out well rounded, caring young people who are a pleasure to be around. If you want the best for your child you need to visit here before you make a decision.
Your rating:
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  • Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’
  • Do back up your opinion with examples or clear reasons but, remember, it’s your opinion not fact.
  • Don’t use bad or aggressive language.
  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
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News, Photos and Open Days from The King's School

Last update: 30 April 2022

Our Open Mornings for 2015 will take place on:
Saturday 26th September at 10:30am

If you can't make our Open Morning or want to visit sooner, please give us a call on 023 8060 0986 and we will be happy to arrange a time for you and your child/children to come and visit the school. We can also organise a meeting with Mrs Heather Bowden our headteacher and Mrs Margaret Walker our admissions officer to discuss any questions you might have.

The King's School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.