Pupils, staff and leaders have a shared understanding of the school’s core values which underpin the school’s work. As a result, the culture in school is of respect, kindness and doing the right thing. Pupils feel safe, part of a community and are comfortable talking to staff about any concerns they may have. The school instils in pupils a sense of responsibility. For example, pupils know that to come unprepared for lessons is to miss out. Pupils readily take up opportunities to do voluntary community work, such as working in a soup kitchen or helping in a local primary school. The school ensures that there is something for everyone among the huge variety of clubs and activities that leaders organise. Sports and performing arts are a key part of school life and make sure that everyone feels welcome, valued and respected. Sports teams are open to all, regardless of ability or skill, for example. Pupils attend a wide range of outings locally, nationally and internationally. Some of these are linked to their academic work, such as a social studies visit to Hadrian’s Wall or visits to galleries and museums to see artwork. Pupils in the lower school enjoy going regularly to the school’s garden to explore nature and grow their own vegetables.
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The American School in London Catchment Area Map
This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.
2015 GCSE RESULTSImportant information for parents
Due to number of reforms to GSCE reporting introduced by the government in 2014, such as the exclusion of iGCSE examination results, the official school performance data may not accurately report a school’s full results. For more information, please see About and refer to the section, ‘Why does a school show 0% on its GSCE data dial? In many affected cases, the Average Point Score will also display LOW SCORE as points for iGCSEs and resits are not included.
Schools can upload their full GCSE results by registering for a School Noticeboard. All school results data will be verified.
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