We are a high achieving school which focuses on excellent teaching and learning and high standards of behaviour. All girls are given opportunities to develop their interests and talents in a wide variety of extra curricular activities and above all, they are safe and secure.
In summer 2016, 75% of all students achieved 5 or more A* to C grades with 68% both English and MathsThis year, the government has introduced a new measure called ‘Progress 8’ which looks at the progress made in each pupil’s best 8 subjects. Our score is +0.45 which we believe to be outstanding. We are delighted that 75% of all students achieved 5 or more A* to C grades with 68% both English and Maths. For the fourth year running, more than 20% of the girls achieved more than 5A*/A grades and 41% secured the prestigious English Baccalaureate qualification which requires them to achieve C grade or above in English, Maths, Science, a Modern Foreign Language and History or Geography.
Students from 6thform@Swakeleys have achieved 100 % pass at A level for the sixth year running! We are delighted with the results of Year 13 students who have achieved 65% A*/B and 91% A*/C
We are extremely proud of the achievements of all of our students both male and female. This year, more than any other there are tremendous results across all departments with 20 subjects achieving 100% A* – C grades and 12 subjects achieving more than 75% A*/B grades. AS results were particularly impressive in the light of the recent changes made to the qualification. Our pass rate leapt to 96%!