Kingsway Park High School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

11 - 16
Academy converter
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How Does The School Perform?

Ofsted Inspection
Full Report - All Reports
5+ GCSEs grade 9-4 (standard pass or above) including English and maths

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Progress Compared With All Other Schools

UNLOCK Well Below Average (About 16% of schools in England) Below Average (About 18% of schools in England) Average (About 33% of schools in England) Above Average (About 17% of schools in England) Well Above Average (About 16% of schools in England)

School Results Over Time

2019 2022 2023 2024 2020 2021 COVID UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved 5+ GCSEs grade 9-4
2019 2022 2023 2024 2020 2021 COVID UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved GCSE grade 5 or above in both English and maths
Turf Hill Road
OL16 4XA

School Description

The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. There have been a large number of staffing changes since that inspection. In 2015/16, for instance, a significant number of staff left the school. Their replacements, several of whom are newly or recently qualified teachers, have settled into the school well. Your senior leadership team has remained largely unchanged since the previous inspection. You and they continue to take the school forward with strength and determination. The school benefits from being a member of the Kingsway Learning Trust, which also comprises a local secondary school and the local sixth form college. Both are outstanding providers. The local authority is also a member of the trust. Kingsway Park is a very diverse community which successfully brings together pupils from a wide range of backgrounds, races and cultures. It regularly takes in pupils from other schools. It is also the ‘preferred school’ for the local authority for the placement of pupils who arrive from foreign countries. The school recently opened its own International New Arrivals Centre, which is staffed by a specialist teacher and teaching assistants who provide effective language and pastoral support for pupils arriving from abroad. As a result, the school is successful at integrating these new pupils and addressing the different challenges they bring. You provide strong and effective leadership. The school has good capacity to go on improving. You and your governors have very good knowledge and understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and what needs to be done to improve the school further. You identified a number of aspects which needed further improvement, such as the achievement of White British boys and the quality of teaching in science, and you and your senior colleagues are taking effective action to address these issues. For example, earlier this year, you called in a team of external consultants and a peer headteacher to review the science department and you have acted strongly on their recommendations. You, your senior team and your governors are determined that staff at all levels must meet expected standards. There is no complacency. Staff themselves understand the need for this consistency and those who met inspectors were very complimentary about your leadership. They told inspectors that staff morale is high. They welcome the many opportunities they have for professional development, for example to develop their potential as ‘home-grown’ leaders. The overwhelming majority of staff who responded to Ofsted’s online questionnaire are highly appreciative of your leadership and its strong impact on the ethos of the school and the welfare of the pupils. The great majority of parents who have responded to the school’s own surveys feel that the school is well led and managed. Governors, senior leaders and staff have taken successful action to address all of the areas for improvement identified at the last inspection. In 2013, inspectors identified the need to eradicate teaching which was less than good. Your own records show that most teaching remains consistently good and inspectors saw evidence of this in many lessons visited on this inspection. You have taken firm action where teachers did not meet required standards. As you acknowledge, there remains work to do to ensure that more pupils of high ability achieve the highest GCSE grades. Pupils make good progress overall from low starting points. In 2016, the school’s Progress 8 score, the new government measure by which secondary school achievement is judged, was significantly above national averages. In English and in modern foreign languages, the progress made by pupils was in the top 10% of schools nationally. English is a strength of the school. Progress was also well above average in mathematics and it was in line with national averages in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) and humanities. Progress in science was below average, however. The school’s internal assessment data shows that most pupils currently on roll continue to make good progress overall in most subjects. You and other leaders have established an ethos in which every pupil is valued. The school is a harmonious community where pupils get on well together and respect one another’s differences. Pupils told inspectors that there is no racist or homophobic behaviour. The school does good work on teaching pupils about British values and it promotes their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness well. Pupils receive good careers advice and guidance. The school reduced the number of pupils not in sustained education, employment or training in 2015. Although this figure rose again initially for 2016 leavers, the school is awaiting further information from outside agencies and expects the provisional figure to lower again.

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Kingsway Park High School Catchment Area Map

This school is an academy and does not conform to the general school admission criteria set down by the Local Education Authority.