At the end of January 2019, the Government published the 2019 Performance (League) tables based on last summer’s GCSE result. This is how we compare to the other 85 secondary schools in Suffolk.
1. For the second year running, we are in the top 10 of all schools for adding value – i.e. taking students beyond their targets and their perceived potential. In 2017 we ranked 8th; this year we are 6th. Our score is +0.4.
2. We are ranked 2nd for adding value to ‘High attainers’, i.e. those who left primary school with the very highest scores and therefore have GCSE targets of Grade 7 and above.
3. We are ranked 2nd for adding value to all students in Science.
4. We are ranked 3rd for adding value to ‘Low attainers’, i.e. those who left primary school below the expected standard and have therefore needed intensive support from us.
5. We are ranked 3rd for the number of students achieving the Ebacc qualification.
6. We are ranked in the top 10 of all schools for adding value in English and Languages.
7. And we are 1st for adding value to ‘High attainers’ in Science. We are also 2nd in Suffolk for Science ‘value added’ for all students. A particular well done to Mr Budden and Mr Pitcock!