Glan Afan Comprehensive School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

11 - 16
Secondary (ages 11-16)
Not Rated

This school was closed.

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How School Guide Rates Secondary Schools

For secondary schools in Wales, schools are rated on key performance indicators for pupils up to the age of 16 (GCSE only) due to the fact the government did not publish A level data for the last academic year.
Station Road
Port Talbot
SA13 1LZ
01639 883964

School Description

Glan Afan is an 11-16 mixed comprehensive school maintained by Neath Port Talbot Unitary Authority. The school is located in the centre of Port Talbot and serves the communities of Baglan, Sandfields West and Port Talbot. There is a mixture of urban and rural areas as well as areas which are economically disadvantaged. Pupils of all abilities are received by the school. The school has 470 pupils on roll. During the previous inspection in March 2005, there were 706 pupils on roll. Since that time, the school’s population has decreased by one third. There are 30 full-time equivalent teaching staff and an additional nine-point five fulltime equivalent administrative staff. In 2009-2010, 16.86% of pupils were eligible for free school meals. This figure is slightly below the national average of 17.1%. In 2010, 7.6% of 15 year old pupils were on the special educational needs’ register. Currently, 1.9% of pupils have a statement of special educational needs and a further 26.6% require additional support. The percentage of compulsory age pupils on the special educational needs’ register is 28.5% which is above the 2010 national average of 20.9%. Nearly all pupils speak English as their first language. Only 2% of pupils speak Welsh. The headteacher was appointed permanently to the post in September 2005. Since the last inspection, there have been significant changes in personnel in the school at both senior and middle management level. The deputy headteacher (who had been an assistant headteacher since 2005) and an assistant headteacher took on their duties in September 2010. There are also several experienced members of staff who are new to middle management. The school’s aims are to create a well disciplined learning environment where pupils can maximise their potential and develop skills for lifelong learning and become valued members of the community. The 2010-2011 individual school budget per pupil for Glan Afan Comprehensive School is £4378 which compares with a maximum of £5613 and a minimum of £3747 for secondary schools in Neath Port Talbot. The school has the fourth highest budget per pupil out of the 11 secondary schools in Neath Port Talbot.

Glan Afan Comprehensive School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating


“An Amazing School”

"> Glan Afan is a community-endorsed secondary school that puts its community first and has an exacting community feeling. The immense commitment of its staff is a true example of what a school should be like.
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Glan Afan Comprehensive School Catchment Area Map

Official pupil census data is not available for this school and we are unable to offer a heat map or likelihood of admission tool at this time.