Churchill Church of England Primary School Report
Scottish Literacy ReportScottish Numeracy Report
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% pupils meeting the expected standard
in reading, writing and mathematics
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Churchill Church of England Primary School Key Information
Progress Compared With All Other Schools
Progress scores in reading, writing and maths could not be calculated in 2024 due to lack of baseline data during Covid 19. We show historic scores from the 2023 academic year as a guide
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Since your appointment you have led with determination and rigour. There has been considerable change to leadership, staffing and governance since the previous inspection. You have a clear vision for the school which is shared by your deputy headteacher and middle leaders. This, combined with a strong drive for improvement, has ensured that the school has improved rapidly following a dip in its performance. Consequently, teaching, learning and assessment and pupils’ progress are typically good. Parents are very supportive of the school. Almost every parent who responded to the online questionnaire, Parent View, reported that they would recommend it. They believe the school to be well led and managed, and almost all say that children make good progress. You are tenacious in your leadership approach. You hold teachers to account well. Teachers’ expectations of what pupils can achieve have increased. As a result, pupils are getting the good quality-teaching and support they need so that they make good progress and any prior underachievement is tackled effectively. At the previous inspection you were asked to raise the level of challenge to ensure pupils made the best possible progress. The school’s work in this regard is mostly effective. This is a key reason why pupils’ achievement at the end of key stage 2 has been consistently high in reading, writing and mathematics for a number of years. The proportion of pupils exceeding the standards expected nationally is also consistently above the national average. You are accurate in your evaluation that pupils do well at your school. However, you also identify that there is still room to challenge middle-attaining pupils and the most able pupils across the school even more so that a larger proportion of these pupils exceed the standards expected nationally. You were also asked to develop teachers’ assessment strategies to check pupils’ understanding and learning. Teachers have developed precise ways to check pupils’ understanding. Teachers routinely provide pupils with detailed feedback so they know how to make improvements to their work. The recent focus on enabling pupils to gain independence in editing and improving their work is paying dividends in this respect. Pupils speak positively of the education they receive. Pupils look out for one another. They enjoy the opportunities on offer, for example science workshops at the local secondary school. Pupils behave well in lessons. As a result of your schoolwide ‘learning to learn’ initiative pupils are gaining greater resilience to tackle the challenges set for them with independence and determination to do their best. Leaders including governors are working on the right aspects for improvement. However, further work is required so that teachers provide the level of challenge to enable every group of pupils to make equally strong progress from their different starting points. Safeguarding is effective. There is a strong culture to safeguard pupils at the school. Those responsible for leading safeguarding are vigilant in all aspects of their work. Since your arrival you have strengthened the recording systems to log any concerns. These are now robust. You have responded promptly to local authority safeguarding audits. As a result, policies, procedures and training relating to safeguarding meet requirements and are up to date with current legislation. You work effectively with external agencies to ensure that everything is being done to safeguard children and minimise risk. Your referrals are timely and consistently followed up. You have ensured that staff know how to effectively use and apply their training within their daily routines and work. Staff confirm that systems to communicate any safeguarding concerns are significantly strengthened this year. Governors conduct regular compliance visits to ensure that the school’s vetting checks and safeguarding procedures are consistently applied. However, governors have been slow to ensure that the current safeguarding policy, approved in October 2016, is on the school’s website for parents to view. This was rectified during the inspection.
Churchill Church of England Primary School Parent Reviews
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2015 GCSE RESULTSImportant information for parents
Due to number of reforms to GSCE reporting introduced by the government in 2014, such as the exclusion of iGCSE examination results, the official school performance data may not accurately report a school’s full results. For more information, please see About and refer to the section, ‘Why does a school show 0% on its GSCE data dial? In many affected cases, the Average Point Score will also display LOW SCORE as points for iGCSEs and resits are not included.
Schools can upload their full GCSE results by registering for a School Noticeboard. All school results data will be verified.
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