Bridge School Malvern
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

Post 16
Special school
11 - 24
Other independent special school

How Does The School Perform?

Ofsted report
Full Report - All Reports

Special schools provide a unique and distinctive educational environment to meet the needs of the pupils in their community. Undertaking standard tests may not be appropriate and we do not show performance data for special schools.

View exam results via the link below and contact the school to ask about measuring pupil progress.

A Parent's Guide to Choosing a Special School


Unit 2
Hanley Workshops
Hanley Road
Hanley Swan

School Description

At the Bridge School Malvern, pupils are safe and well cared for. Leaders have high expectations that all pupils will be able to experience success. Staff go to great lengths to ensure that they do. They tap into pupils’ interests. This helps pupils to trust adults and to re-engage with learning. Daily routines help pupils to settle in and behave well. For many pupils, attending school regularly and engaging in learning can be a challenge. However, over time, pupils’ attendance improves and they participate in lessons with increasing enthusiasm. Pupils’ resilience grows in response to teachers’ encouragement and coaching. The school is a calm haven where pupils can be themselves. They are polite and respect others. Bullying is rare. If it happens, staff sort it out quickly. Activities outside lessons help to prepare pupils for independent living, including trips to colleges, country shows and the city library. Sports teams compete against other local schools. Parents express joy at finding a school where their children can be happy and achieve success. The school’s caring, nurturing ethos shines through all aspects of school life.

Bridge School Malvern Parent Reviews

100% Parents Recommend This School
Strongly Agree 82% Agree 18% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>82, "agree"=>18, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 77% Agree 23% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>77, "agree"=>23, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 73% Agree 27% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>73, "agree"=>27, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
My Child Has Not Been Bullied 77% Strongly Agree 14% Agree 0% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 9% {"my_child_has_not_been_bullied"=>77, "strongly_agree"=>14, "agree"=>0, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>9} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 77% Agree 18% Disagree 5% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>77, "agree"=>18, "disagree"=>5, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
I Have Not Raised Any Concerns 27% Strongly Agree 59% Agree 9% Disagree 5% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"i_have_not_raised_any_concerns"=>27, "strongly_agree"=>59, "agree"=>9, "disagree"=>5, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 91% Agree 9% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>91, "agree"=>9, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 86% Agree 9% Disagree 5% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>86, "agree"=>9, "disagree"=>5, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 82% Agree 18% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>82, "agree"=>18, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 82% Agree 18% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>82, "agree"=>18, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 73% Agree 27% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>73, "agree"=>27, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 55% Agree 27% Disagree 5% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 14% {"strongly_agree"=>55, "agree"=>27, "disagree"=>5, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>14} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Strongly Agree 77% Agree 23% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% Don't Know 0% {"strongly_agree"=>77, "agree"=>23, "disagree"=>0, "strongly_disagree"=>0, "dont_know"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023
Yes 100% No 0% {"yes"=>100, "no"=>0} Figures based on 22 responses up to 22-06-2023

Responses taken from Ofsted Parent View

Your rating:
Review guidelines
  • Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’
  • Do back up your opinion with examples or clear reasons but, remember, it’s your opinion not fact.
  • Don’t use bad or aggressive language.
  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
Read the full review guidelines and where to find help if you have serious concerns about a school.
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News, Photos and Open Days from Bridge School Malvern

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Bridge School Malvern Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.