Ashford School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

Primary & Secondary
Post 16
0 - 18
Other independent school

How Does The School Perform?

Full Report
Independent Inspection
Full Report - All Reports
5+ GCSEs grade 9-4 (standard pass or above) including English and maths
GCSE Grade 5 (strong pass) or above in both English and maths
3 A levels at AAB or higher inc. two facilitating subjects

Secondary Data
Explained for parents
A level average point score
Average A level result
Day, Weekly and Full Boarding
Boarding Type
Scholarship Status
Day Fees Per Term
Pupils with SEN support

School Video

East Hill
TN24 8PB
+44 (0)1233 739030

See News and Open Days from Ashford School

School Description

Families choose Ashford School because of our well-developed reputation for getting the best from your child. We surround them with highly capable, energetic and specialist teachers from a wide variety of backgrounds and provide a plethora of experiences in and outside the classroom via our extensive resources and wide range of co-curricular activities. We believe if a pupil is happy and secure, they are more likely to be successful.

Ashford School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating

“Highly Recommend”

The educational experience at Ashford School is exceptional. The teaching quality is top-notch, with passionate educators who offer a diverse and comprehensive curriculum. Remarkably, my naturally reserved child has thrived socially, forming friendships and embracing her studies in this enriching environment. It's almost as if Ashford School has a hidden 'Happiness 101' class in their curriculum!
“Ashford is like an extended Family!”

Choosing Ashford School has been a fantastic decision for us. The staff at Ashford have become like part of our extended family, offering us incredible support throughout our journey. They've made my daughter feel welcome and cared for, and her newfound confidence and excitement are truly remarkable.
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  • Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’
  • Do back up your opinion with examples or clear reasons but, remember, it’s your opinion not fact.
  • Don’t use bad or aggressive language.
  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
Read the full review guidelines and where to find help if you have serious concerns about a school.
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News, Photos and Open Days from Ashford School

Last update: 05 February 2024


Please join us for one of our Senior School Open Mornings to find out more about our nurturing environment, exceptional teachers and superb facilities. 

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15 Ashford School students travelled to The Netherlands to embark on their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition this August. Steering away from the norm the students took on the challenge of cycling a staggering 245 kms, on average, over their 4-day expedition, with temperatures soaring to over 30 degrees during the week resulting in the groups having to take extra precautions to avoid heat stroke and exhaustion.

On completing their four-day expedition, they gathered at Oosterbeek Church where Ashford School’s chaplain, Reverend Bellamy joined them to share the church’s significant role in World War II.  The students then made their way to the War Cemetery where Reverend Bellamy led a very poignant service.  Despite their tiredness, the students paid respect to the thousands of soldiers who had lost their lives in Arnhem, with James and Immy reading prayers, and Patrick laying a wreath.


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• Inspire the minds of all our learners to be adventurous inside and outside of the classroom.

• Create a supportive environment where the wellbeing of the child is paramount as we believe that happiness breeds success.

• Foster a sense of respect for individuality by encouraging intellectual freedom and creativity, determination and leadership.

• Encourage academic confidence and curiosity.

• Empower our community of learners with the confidence to make a difference to their changing world.


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Meet the Head: Mr Michael Hall

As a highly experienced leader in the independent schools’ sector, Michael Hall joined Ashford School in August 2018, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Previously, he spent almost eight years as Head of Bedford Modern School in what was a very successful period of growth.

His career includes significant experience in co-educational, all-through education, as well as both day and boarding settings. He studied economics as an undergraduate at the University of Liverpool before training as a teacher and completing a Master’s degree in Educational Management.


Who/what inspired you to become a teacher?

My inspiration is not what you might expect, as it was from a less than positive experience. 

I attended a boys grammar school in the 1980s amid industrial action which adversely affected my education (especially the co-curricular offering). I was convinced that there had to be a better way and that a broad and balanced education should be about optimising potential - my mission has always been to achieve this in the schools which I have led.


What achievement are you most proud of as Head?

I am very proud that Ashford School is a genuinely diverse and inclusive school community. Throughout its history, the school has had a long association with nearly 50 pupils of different nationalities. This tradition of families from parts of Europe, Africa and Asia, along with pupils from the East Kent area provide a rich diversity of culture and perspective. I am also immensely proud of how Ashford School effectively triangulates academic success with pastoral care and co-curricular participation. Careful and individualised tracking helps us deliver tailored support to each of our students. This again refers to our educational philosophy that happy students are successful students.

What does a successful school look like to you?

I often use the line with my students: qualifications will secure you the interview, but not the job. Success is ultimately about developing young adults who you would want to employ. Yes, we aim for the best qualifications for each student, but I also look for my students to have refined emotional intelligence with the social skills to benefit all those around them.


What is the most important quality you want every child to have when they leave your school? And why?

Humility – in its purest sense, it demonstrates deep self-awareness and empathy with those with whom we engage.


Please give 5 words to describe the ethos of your school.

Calm, caring, respect, humility, opportunity.

Ashford School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.