Anstey First School is a very small school and a caring community. Pupils enjoy very positive relationships with staff. Pupils feel safe and happy. As a result, they develop confidence and independence. Pupils behave well. They show their enjoyment and engagement in learning. Outside of lessons, pupils play very happily. Clear routines teach them to act with respect. Pupils say there is very little bullying. Parents and staff agree with this. If there are minor incidents, staff resolve these, so they do not recur. Pupils enjoy the school environment. They learn about risks and are encouraged to be adventurous while still staying safe. For example, they describe with enthusiasm what they learn from their lessons in the local woods, such as about map reading and different types of rocks. Children play and learn with purpose in the early years environment. Pupils rise to the challenge of the high expectations leaders have for what they will learn. Pupils talk passionately about what they know, such as a group of girls telling inspectors why they want to be scientists when they grow up.
Anstey First School Parent Reviews
Average Parent Rating
“The perfect village school!”
01 June 2015AUTHOR: Jo
Anstey is a small village school with an exceptionally large heart. I currently have a daughter in Yr 1 and two younger children in the equally excellent affiliated pre-school. The older of these two will be joining in September and he cannot wait. He has been attending the school two afternoons a week which has been an excellent way to manage his transition. As the older children are so supportive and friendly to the younger ones, although he is a very shy child he feels very comfortable about going 'up to big school' in September.
My daughter in Year 1 frequently regales me with tales of her stimulating, fun and interactive lessons. Her teachers are creative and inspiring and she has come on in leaps and bounds at this school.
The new head is outstanding. She is very approachable to staff, pupils and parents and as well as running the day to day aspects of the school. She is also constantly coming up with new initiatives to make Anstey First School even better. Particularly useful is the parent view sessions held monthly which removes the need for any moaning in the playground! All views positive and negative are dealt with promptly.
Despite it being a small school, the variety of sporting activities and after school clubs is wide and impressive. They also traditionally do exceptionally well at local sporting events. In a recent cross county event with many other schools they achieved two first places and one second!
I also love the fact that friendships are made across the year groups as well as within - it gives the children enormous confidence and respect for each other.
“Hertfordshire's best kept secret school”
26 May 2015AUTHOR: Liz
I have a child currently in year 3. He started at Anstey pre-school shortly after his second birthday and then pestered me to go on to the school having been able to watch and integrate with the school children. He has done very well there and still is doing with the teachers able to adapt the work to fit each child's abilities and needs, the massive advantage of such a small school.
The governors and teaching staff listen to all the parents' views , are always available and actively seek our opinions and ideas.
The school has an amazing family atmosphere and often you will find almost the whole school, with parents, in the nearby park for an hour after school or us parents in the school's community room enjoying a natter over home-made cakes and coffee.
The school has recently started ukulele lessons for all children year 1 and up, and already has the option of piano son is becoming really quite musical!
The after school clubs give a wide variety of options which is incredible considering the numbers involved, my son has done sports, cookery, craft, games, walking in the surrounding countryside and there is also a gardening club, lunchtime choir sessions and a new "den club" in the process of being set up.
A truly amazing school.
“Great, supportive small school”
23 May 2015AUTHOR: NAnstey
My daughter started at this school in September as an August born, just-turned-4 year old. I was very anxious about her starting school so young but she went to the adorable preschool and they transitioned her really well into the main school. I feel that they took on board her age and my anxieties and did (and do) all they can to support us. I adore the family feel of this school, the fact that they are so willing to listen to suggestions - we had a questionnaire a few weeks ago and all of my suggestions were listened to and are in the process of being implemented. The head is fantastic and aways accessible. We are gearing up to start running a 'den club' and other forest school initiatives, taking advantage of the lovely rural location. There is great wrap-around provision too with clubs and a holiday playscheme which my daughter begs to go to! The discipline and reward policies are positive and productive, teaching problem solving and personal responsibility and the kids are all very happy and benefit from the whole school ethos and environment. Being a small school they also get a staff pupil ratio you can't even get in many private schools nowadays! I would highly recommend a visit if you are considering schools in the area.
2015 GCSE RESULTSImportant information for parents
Due to number of reforms to GSCE reporting introduced by the government in 2014, such as the exclusion of iGCSE examination results, the official school performance data may not accurately report a school’s full results. For more information, please see About and refer to the section, ‘Why does a school show 0% on its GSCE data dial? In many affected cases, the Average Point Score will also display LOW SCORE as points for iGCSEs and resits are not included.
Schools can upload their full GCSE results by registering for a School Noticeboard. All school results data will be verified.
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