Abbot's Hill School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

Primary & Secondary
0 - 16
Girls (some boys)
Other independent school
Not Rated

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5+ GCSEs grade 9-4 (standard pass or above) including English and maths

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Top Grades Compared With Other Schools

59% Independent Average Abbot's Hill School UNLOCK GCSE

Top grades at GCSE (7-9) and top grades at A level (A*/A)

School Results Over Time

2019 2022 2023 2020 Covid-19 2021 Covid-19 UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved 5+ GCSEs grade 9-4
2019 2022 2023 2020 Covid-19 2021 Covid-19 UNLOCK

% of pupils who achieved GCSE grade 5 or above in both English and maths
Bunkers Lane
Hemel Hempstead
+44 (0)1442 240333

School Description

At Abbot’s Hill, academic excellence goes hand in hand with pastoral excellence. We are ambitious for all our pupils and offer exceptional learning opportunities to stretch, challenge and support the individuals in our care. The best way to catch the spirit of Abbot’s Hill is to come and visit. We are always happy to show parents around so they can experience first hand the warmth of our community and meet the rounded, happy, down to earth pupils at the heart of our school.

Abbot's Hill School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating


“Would never recommend”

"> Not impressed at all. My daughter was in the Senior School for 3 years and was unhappy. In my experience, there was a toxic, bratty atmosphere where a small select group of girls got all the opportunities. She's in a larger private all-girls school now and loves it. A totally different, healthier all-inclusive vibe.
“A happy balanced school”

"> I cannot praise this school enough. My daughter loves going to school, she is happy, confident and she is inspired and stretched everyday. There is a fantastic balance between academic and non-academic focus. We are very grateful to Abbots Hill!
“My granddaughter absolutely loves this school”

"> My granddaughter absolutely loves this school and is having such a great time. The ethics and nurturing here are second to none
“Loves it”

"> My daughter has thrived at Abbots Hill for the last two years. She is genuinely excited to be back at school after the long holiday... who else can say that from a teenage daughter!
“The right school for our daughter”

"> We can only speak for the Prep School which our daughter has attended very happily for three years. Abbots Hill has a well-deserved reputation as a "nurturing" school. It gets the best out of the children by a focus on each individual which enables them to achieve their potential. The school asks a lot of them academically, musically and in sporting terms, without being hectoring, and the girls deliver. My daughter's year was full of happy, confident and well-rounded girls. As parents, we could not be more pleased with our daughter's prep school education, which has enabled her to thrive.
“Not a good school at all”

"> I agree with Unhappydad. The girls can be being told off for small issues and then the bigger issues are ignored. Both my girls have left the school lacking in confidence which was the main reason we chose a private education for them. They have been very happy in their new sixth forms, where they are receiving excellent teaching and support.
“Not a good school”

"> In my experience, this is not a good school. I placed my daughter here. It feels like the girls get told off for silly little things; something serious, and it's ignored. I have seen a few parents remove their children. The review below by a satisfied dad may well be legitimate as some children are clearly happy there.

"> Abbots Hills is an excellent school. My daughter has been there from year 2, when we took her out of an "Excellent" state primary that wasn't excellent at all. She has developed as a person and grown increasingly in confidence, such that she confidently read one of the lessons at a recent St Albans Abbey Christmas Carol Service in front of 1000 people. Academically she has massively improved and is doing work at a higher level than the maths classes she visited at a state secondary. She plays an instrument well, is supported for time out of school for professional dance/ theatre performances, and she has won competitive team events against other schools. She is also a brown belt in Ju-Jitsu. At the higher academic end, in a low key way, the school stretches the girls. At the lower academic end, the school provides excellent support for a range of needs. We considered the other schools in the area and chose the best. If you want an academic drone, send your girl somewhere else. If you want the complete package, send her to Abbots Hill – if you can – they're over-subscribed as far as I understand. I simply don't recognise the "A Parent" review of 16 Sept 2015. I suspect they've never been to the school. I would challenge all of the negatives in that review. There is not a high rate of staf fturnover, and the class size of my daughters year only increased – so they split it and now have two. A very satisfied Dad, with a daughter at Abbots Hill.
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Abbot's Hill School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.