At Explore Learning, our tutors will get to know your child as an individual. Whether they are finding school tricky or top of the class, we will create a learning plan designed to help them to gain confidence, enthusiasm and new skills.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
We use the best available teaching tools. They are interactive, engaging and map to the National Curriculum and Curriculum for Excellence. As a child's mastery of each lesson develops, the work adapts to an increasingly advanced level, thereby providing each member with a highly individualised experience.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Parents looking for good tuition should look for a tutor who is able to get children to share ideas, work independently and compete. They should have high expectations of the children they teach, reward success and help children to understand difficult concepts with a range of examples.
Tutors should use a range of materials so that children can listen, see and do.
The process of getting to know your child starts from the very first time we meet you at your free trial session. This is an opportunity for us to discuss your child's requirements in depth, and for you to see the tuition centre in action.
At Explore, we believe that children learn best when they want to learn. Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy. The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
At Explore Learning, our tutors will get to know your child as an individual. Whether they are finding school tricky or top of the class, we will create a learning plan designed to help them to gain confidence, enthusiasm and new skills.
We specialise in Maths and English tuition that is tailored to your child's individual needs. We also offer expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors, all in a vibrant environment that children enjoy.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Explore tutors work with children in a very low ratio (the maximum ratio is 1:6), ensuring the right balance between individual support and independent learning. As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach.
Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy. The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn.
Explore centres are lively, vibrant and full of positive energy. The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn.
We specialise in Maths and English tuition that is tailored to your child's individual needs. We also offer expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors, all in a vibrant environment that children enjoy.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Building confidence, overcoming shyness to put up their hand to ask for help, being more independent and less reluctant to try without assistance are all elements that parents recognise in their children and directly attributed to Explore Learning.
our tutors will get to know your child as an individual. Whether they are finding school tricky or top of the class, we will create a learning plan designed to help them to gain confidence, enthusiasm and new skills.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
Kip McGrath is a supplementary education provider that was established 30 years ago in Australia and now includes a worldwide network of 680 franchises in 20 countries We are Ofsted registered and offer tutoring to both primary and secondary school aged students in multiple areas of their studies, including preparation for their SATs and GCSE tests. We also offer free assesments to pin point any areas that may be of concern.
Every day, after school or at the weekend, thousands of children across the UK begin their Explore experience in a similar way. They are greeted by enthusiastic Explore tutors, who engage children and get them motivated even before they walk through the door.
As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.
All members follow individualised learning programmes in maths, spellings, reading and writing. They work on a variety of activities in each area, with a tutor on hand to ensure that they are being stretched and challenged at a level and pace right for them.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities
Explore tutors work with children in a very low ratio (the maximum ratio is 1:6), ensuring the right balance between individual support and independent learning. As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach.
Children are made to feel a part of Explore and always look forward to visiting. They are attending a club, not a classroom.
Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.